David Savage's Sense & NonsenseTM

David Savage performs professionally on cornet and harmonicas playing jazz, standards, swing, rock, pop, blues, folk, country, etc. Available to play in the Northern Virginia area.
Vegan resources including vegan ethics, children's books, and original music videos
CDs by David Savage on Bandcamp.com
I'm an Animal, Please Don't Eat Me - music video, September 2012
I'm an Animal, Please Don't Eat Me - (PDF) - lyrics
Please Don't Eat The Animals - music video, 2011
Swing Dance Saturday Night - July 2008
Photographs by David
David Savage Music - 30 sec. audio
clips of 20 songs
13 CDs - $1,000 each
About David - Scary clown photo,
musical influences, bio, press reviews
I've been playing cornet and harmonica in The Misfits Jug Band (covers from the 1920s and 1930s) since the end of 2019. We play mainly at farmers markets.
The Misfits Jug Band on Facebook
In October, 2019 I recorded four songs with the band French Coast Cafe at Cue Studios in Falls Church, Virginia.
French Coast Cafe on Facebook
In 2010 I played cornet and harmonica on the CD "Roads, Water and Orange" by singer/songwriter/musician/producer Vic Cook.
Cadence Jazz Sextet
(now defunct), the band I played in from 2001-2005. Rehearsal recordings of 18 songs. I play cornet on 17 and harmonica on one.
45 rpm record of two of my songs recorded by Holly Garber in 1974
Summer 1964: The David and Amorah Show David is another David, not me. Three hours of audio from 1964 of the Dave-Bari Combo, a band I played in.
Photos from Washington (DC) Area Artists Salon (WAAS) Retreat, July 2001
Blue Bag Video and the sequel Happy Bag Adventures were made with a Canon SD550 digital camera in Feb. 2006 and April 2007.
I created the following four short videos in March and April, 1995, when I was a volunteer at
Fairfax, Virginia's public access cable TV channel (FCAC/FPA). The dissolves in episode 1 were done
with an Amiga Video Toaster. I created the content of episodes 2 through 4 on a
Commodore 64 computer in 1985 using the Koala Pad graphics tablet and C-64 BASIC. I also
wrote and performed the music for the videos: This! Episode 1, This! Episode 2, This! Episode 3, This! Episode 4
I made Voice Dial in 1993 in a video production class at (FCAC/FPA).
I made Time Lapse Plant with Radio in 1993. The plant was in the kitchen. A radio was playing. I set the camcorder to shoot one second of
video every minute, between 8:30 am and 6:00 pm.
I made Patterns 1 and Patterns 2 in 1993. Added my original music created in 2001.
What's hidden shall be revealed. What's revealed shall be hidden.
A banquet of the visual, auditory, and verbal arts.
And when the Web offers taste and smell, we'll add those, too.
transparent, white, black, colors, patterns, music, songs, haiku, paintings, gif
animation, poetry, spoken poetry with music, photographs, writings, prose, words,
thoughts, silliness, sounds, images
juggling, magic squares, cornet, harmonica, keyboard, guitar, crickets, radio static, flying butterfly,
rainbow, hypnos, art objects, compositions, voices, ears, hands, mouths, eyes, heart, links,
sense, and nonsense
Savage Heart is a "wondery"
Wondery 1 - a state of mind: speculative, questioning, curious,
daydream-like, awestruck. "She was in a wondery state of mind." "She
felt all wondery at the sight of the mountain." "In all her wondery, she never
imagined this."
Wondery 2 - a container (box or chest or display cabinet) or place (room, storehouse,
store, museum) where wonders or wonderful artifacts are kept; a treasure house. Also,
a place in mind where wonderful thoughts and memories are kept.
Wondery 3 - a workshop or studio where wonders are created. Wonders may be objects and
artifacts, or thoughts and ideas, or questions.
"I wonder what wonderful things we shall find there...."
Welcome. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy yourself.
Serving delighted viewers since March 19, 1996
Website created by David Savage. Email:
david @ savageheart.com (Remove spaces before and after @)
This page last modified January 18, 2023. Website first created March 19, 1996.
Copyright © 1996-2015 David M. Savage
"Savage Heart," the Savage Heart logo, and "David Savage's Sense & Nonsense"
are trademarks of David M. Savage
All rights reserved, including eternal intergalactic copyright