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Savage Heart Presents
David Savage's Sense & Nonsense

Butterfly ] Branch One ] Meditations ] Blue Rabbit ] Family ]

1974: Two songs written by David Savage. Produced, arranged, recorded, and instruments including an ARP Synthesizer played by John Burr. Vocal by Holly Garber using the pseudonym "Herbie Angell." Holly's son Ted Garber is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist performing in the Washington, DC area.

Click on the 45 rpm record images to play the songs.

The recordings are .mp3 files at 320 kbps. They were recorded to .wav files from the 45 rpm record using an ION iPTUSB turntable and SoundForge Audacity software. Goldwave software was used to remove pops and clicks and convert the files from .wav to .mp3.

Parapsychology Congress Stomp and Romp
Inquiries to David Savage by email: david @
(remove spaces before and after @)

Copyright 2008, 2015 David M. Savage
Page last updated May 13, 2015

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Butterfly ] Branch One ] Meditations ] Blue Rabbit ] Family ]