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The other members of my family are also creative. This page is for them.

Norton Savage

My father, Norton Savage (1917 - 2012), edited a book of writings by his mother, Sonia Savage (1894 - 1981). The book is entitled Prose & Poetry by Sonia Savage and includes family photos. You can read a description and buy the book from Amazon by clicking on the link below. Barnes & Noble and Borders also carry the book. Barnes & Noble incorrectly describes the book as a paperback; it is a hardcover. Borders incorrectly states the publication date as February 1999; the correct date is June 1999. All three booksellers incorrectly state the page count as 64; the book contains more than 90 pages.
Book cover: Prose & Poetry by Sonia Savage

In association with
Prose and Poetry by Sonia Savage
Hardcover, 90 Pages, Rutledge Books, Inc., June 1999, ISBN: 1582440255

Norton Savage wrote a second book, this one based on his experience as an electrical engineer and entitled An Electric Power System Vocabulary. You can read a description and buy the book from Amazon by clicking on the link below. Barnes & Noble and Borders also carry the book.
Book cover: An Electric Power System Vocabulary

In association with
An Electric Power System Vocabulary
Paperback, 160 Pages, Pentland Press, February, 2003, ISBN: 1571973370

Jeff Savage

My brother, Jeff Savage, has his own websites, eCollectica, which include an "Antiques & Collectibles Online Research Library." The site includes "prices, I.D. guides, websites finder, reference articles, places to buy, sell, learn...and more! Access over 18,000 pages covering 430 categories." The site offers a free 30 day membership.

Created by David Savage. Email: david @
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Page last modified April 26, 2015
Copyright © 2000, 2005, 2015 by David M. Savage. All rights reserved.

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