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My ear My ear

Sounds, Music, and Vocalizations
Vibrations for the Inner Ear

evanescent ephemeral fleeting transient vanishing disappearing flitting short-lived
transitory brief momentary impermanent passing temporary elusive impromptu
What do you hear? What don't you hear?
Human ears hear only a small segment of the frequency spectrum as sound.




Radio Static


Poetry With Music and Other Vocalizations

Explanation of the Column Headings

Filename K Bytes Secs M/S K Hz Description/Title
MP3 SILENCE1.WAV 80 10 M 8 Silence - absolute
MP3 SILENCE2.WAV 80 10 M 8 Silence - electronic
MP3 SILENCE3.WAV 80 10 M 8 Silence - white noise
MP3 SILENCE4.WAV 80 10 M 8 Silence - pink noise
MP3 SILENCE5.WAV 80 10 M 8 Silence - brown noise
MP3 10KHZ8S.WAV 221 10 S 11 10 KHz Sin Wave

Crickets & Cicadas (& Dog)
Filename K Bytes Secs M/S K Hz Description/Title
MP3 CRICKET1.WAV 160 10 M 16 Crickets & Cicadas
Arlington, VA, 8/30/89
MP3 CRICKET2.WAV 110 10 M 11 Crickets & Cicadas
Arlington, VA, 9/14/91
MP3 CRICKET3.WAV 220 10 S 11 Crickets, Cicadas, & Dog
Gapland, MD, 8/25/89
MP3 CRICKET4.WAV 110 10 M 11 Crickets, Cicadas, & Dog
Gapland, MD, 8/25/89

Radio Static - Collect them all!
Filename K Bytes Secs M/S K Hz Description/Title
MP3 STATIC1.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 530 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC2.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 540 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC3.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 550 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC4.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 560 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC5.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 570 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC6.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 580 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC7.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 590 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC8.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 600 KHz AM
MP3 STATIC9.WAV 80 10 M 8 Radio Static - 610 KHz AM

Filename K Bytes Secs M/S K Hz Description/Title CopyLEFT
MP3 PCSR811M.WAV 420 38 M 11 "Parapsychology Congress Stomp & Romp" ©(P)1974
MP3 4CORNM.WAV 153 14 M 11 "4 Cornets Jam" ©(P)1990
MP3 4CORNS.WAV 632 29 S 11 "4 Cornets Jam" ©(P)1990
MP3 COMP4.WAV 399 36 M 11 "Composition #4" ©(P)1988
MP3 KLEZMER2.WAV 367 33 M 11 "Klezmer #2" ©(P)1990
MP3 EASYABC.WAV 223 20 M 11 "Easy As A-B-C" ©(P)1990
MP3 FUN8.WAV 206 19 M 11 "Fun #8" ©(P)1990
MP3 WITHIN.WAV 280 25 M 11 "All Within You" ©(P)1993
MP3 DREAMON.WAV 227 21 M 11 "Wake Up and Dream On" ©(P)1994
MP3 1PLANET.WAV 383 35 M 11 "One Planet, One People, One Light" ©(P)1987
MP3 CAROUSEL.WAV 321 29 M 11 "On the Carousel of Truth" ©(P)1987
MP3 STARFIRE.WAV 235 22 M 11 "Starfire" ©(P)1976
MP3 DRAGONM.WAV 178 16 M 11 "Dragon Marmalade" ©(P)1974

Poetry With Music and Other Vocalizations
Filename K Bytes Secs M/S K Hz Description/Title CopyLEFT
MP3 WOWW!.WAV 16 1.5 M 11 "Woww!" ©(P)1996
MP3 AHHA8.WAV 134 6 M 22 "Aahh-hhaa" ©(P)1996
MP3 DEEP68S.WAV 200 10 S 10 "Deep Om #6" ©(P)1996
MP3 POEM1.WAV 270 25 M 11 "My Silent Voice" ©(P)1982
MP3 POEM2.WAV 95 9 M 11 "Falling Asleep" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM3.WAV 67 6 M 11 "The Mind of the Dog" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM4.WAV 87 8 M 11 "Time for Sleep" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM5.WAV 116 11 M 11 "Only This Moment" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM6.WAV 63 6 M 11 "The Turtle Crawls" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM7.WAV 133 12 M 11 "Before You Wake Up" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM8.WAV 141 13 M 11 "Clear Spring Sky" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM9.WAV 91 8 M 11 "Teeth, Hair" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM10.WAV 191 18 M 11 "It Comes Back" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM11.WAV 250 23 M 11 "Cold Clear Sky" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM12.WAV 145 13 M 11 "Out the Back Door" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM13.WAV 150 14 M 11 "The Real World" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM14.WAV 154 14 M 11 "I Sit In Mud" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM15.WAV 130 12 M 11 "Rainbow Umbrellas" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM16.WAV 115 11 M 11 "Raindrops, Jumping" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM17.WAV 132 12 M 11 "The Passing Trees" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM18.WAV 104 10 M 11 "Buddha Never Left" ©(P)1987
MP3 POEM19.WAV 155 14 M 11 "The Amber Sky" ©(P)1992
MP3 POEM20.WAV 424 39 M 11 "No Words" ©(P)1992
MP3 POEM21.WAV 134 12 M 11 "Shape the Silences" ©(P)1992
MP3 POEM22.WAV 158 15 M 11 "He Awoke" ©(P)1992

All words and music copyright ©(P) by David M. Savage

Explanation of Column Headings
K Bytes : size of the file in kilobytes
Secs : duration of the clip in seconds
M/S : M = monaural, S = stereo
K Hz : sampling rate during digitizing in kilohertz

All files were digitized using 8 bits

Created by David Savage. Please email comments to: david @
(Remove the spaces before and after the @ sign. They are to prevent spam.)
Created August 15, 1997
Last Modified April 25, 2015
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2015 by David M. Savage
All rights reserved, including pan-dimensional copyright

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