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Blue Rabbit
Sun Clouds
Random Test
Feet Mandala
Feet 1112
Spirals 9
[ Butterfly ] [ Branch One ] [ Meditations ] [ Blue Rabbit ] [ Family ]

"MyDrumAndFlute2" audio:
Spiral 1 in Spiral 10 in Spiral 5 in Spiral 1 out Spiral 10 out Spiral 5 out Spiral 5 in Spiral 1 in Spiral 10 in Spiral 5 in Spiral 5 out Spiral 1 out

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Copyright 1998, 2015 by David M. Savage
All universes reserved.
david @
(Remove the spaces before and after the @ sign. They are to prevent spam.)

[ Butterfly ] [ Branch One ] [ Meditations ] [ Blue Rabbit ] [ Family ]